Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Magic trick candy

The MT Candy:

This Candy was created during the time of MT disappearance, A clone was around to try and make  MT team to eat the candy and make them change both physically and mentally. But luckily MT returns and kills his clone and locks away the Candy before anyone can eat it. 

Faye Time incident

This was once the old Change machine but over time Faye turn it into her little pet project, She wants to build a Time machine and if done right she can go back in time and prevent the events of the Bar. She succeeds in her project but on the first time use she change her timeline multiple times. Cause she created a  Butterfly effect. She cursed by changing one key event, so she fixed her mistake but she also now ended up in entirely different timeline. She is the only one who remembers the original timeline.

Monday, March 2, 2020

MT Labs open

The Lab open up in the year 2019 and it change a lot of things. It brought in a lot of new tech and devices for the group. MT even created a school within the Lab. Also The Lab is a place where we can store all cursed items.

Pictures from within:


Name: Bartender MT 0.0
Abilities: Serve drinks
This Bot was created to work the bar while MT was away but ended up having problems. A lot of glitches. So he was left in the back of the bar, but when the war with the BC came to the bar he escaped and killed 3 of BC members and the other MT Bar bots.

Good thing is that we manage to reclaim this failed project and he is kept in the unstable area of the lab.

Magic Liz

Name: Magic Liz
Abilities: none
This use to be Magic Liz she was once the Girlfriend of MT when she betrayed everyone. She let in one of the Brady council into out group, She also hid the fact that one member was already here but hiding within. Now these days all that comes out of ML is water since Magic Trick turn her into a Water fountain statue.

The Battle at MT Bar

This was the War that wreck the Bar.

What happen:

So it was 2018 and it was the peak of the Bar and this would have also be the time when the Brady council wanted to take over all TF amino groups. So Magic Trick and his team tried to fight back the BC and lets say it somewhat work. It cause one member to leave amino. But the more MT fought back the harder and more negative comments that the BC replied. The went so far to get MT ban from the Group but the thing is MT was on multiple groups and had 2 accounts. But Everything change when the whole BC invade the bar and destroyed everything. So MT went into hiding for some time and by the time he return the Brady council grew weaker to the point there was only 3 members left. That's when MT and his Team strike back and freed most of the TF groups but at the cost of loosing 1 member and the Bar.


Abilities: Yellow Magic
All we know is she might be related to Red.